When Should You Use a Body Scrub?
As summer gradually comes to an end, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to maintain that sun-kissed glow without relying heavily on those sunny days. However, we think the dead skin lying beneath that perfect tan should be a more pressing concern. Scrubs are just as necessary as sunscreen, the difference is, you should know when you should use it, as daily use can damage the barrier of the skin. Because you can’t afford to skip out on exfoliating any longer, we have provided you with helpful tips on using body scrubs.
BODY SCRUB BENEFITS: The skin is in a constant state of turnover, so when should you use a body scrub?
Dead skin rises to the surface, sheds naturally, and reveals the softer skin underneath. This process slows over time, contributing to a buildup of dead cells on the skin’s surface. Add pollution and other forms of environmental stress to the mix, and you have a recipe for dull, rough, and itchy skin.
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The leading method of restoring our body’s natural glow is through exfoliation, and here is where the exfoliating body scrub comes into play. An exfoliating body scrub works to clear away dry and dead skin cells, leaving skin refreshed, brightened, and smooth. Not only does it help in promoting efficient circulation and skin cell turnover, but it also helps in drawing out impurities and clearing congestion. Just as you would on your face, why not give your body some pampering too?
Healthy skin has both external and internal effects. Exfoliating your body’s biggest organ will surely leave you feeling rejuvenated. The exfoliating feeling will give your body the gentle massage it needs to strip away stressful buildup, inside & out. So why not give your body a facial? Our Revitalize Lavender & Sage Sea Salt Body Scrub is the perfect way to polish your skin all while self-caring.
Just like the face, the body needs exfoliation, too. Body scrubs can be used in the bath or shower. Make sure the water temperature is warm so that your skin is softened and ready to be exfoliated. Warm water opens your pores and allows them to release excess dirt and dead skin cells that have built up. To avoid damaging your skin, stay away from overly hot water as this can dry your skin. Soap, shower gel, or body wash should be used before applying the body scrub. This way your skin is clean and primed up for the body scrub to do its magic.
Scrubs should be kept to a minimum, and rubbing in a circular motion is most effective as it helps to free ingrown hairs and is less abrasive than a back and forth movement. It is fine to use bath mitts and gloves as long as they are air-dried and kept clean to prevent them from harboring bacteria. However, an exfoliating body cloth is easy to use and a great alternative to rough-textured loofahs.
Pro Tip: Avoid using loofahs as they tend to be bacteria magnets.
When exfoliating, focus on being gentle to avoid irritating the skin. While it is reassuring to know that the skin on the body tends to be less sensitive than the face you still need to be mild. A sure way to tell if you’ve gone too far is a change in appearance or texture; if skin seems drier than usual, or red and bruised, ease the pressure – more pressure does not lead to higher benefit. Don’t be tricked into overdoing it on oily skin. If you strip the skin of too much oil, you can actually trigger more production by the body to overcompensate. Body scrubs temporarily disrupt your skin barrier and can dry out your skin. If you feel any sort of pain, you may be taking away healthy tissue. Avoid using scrubs on sunburns, damaged skin, or irritated skin. The scrub can irritate the skin even more and make the healing process your skin needs to go through last even longer.
Another Word Of Caution: Don’t reach for moisturizing body scrubs to use on your back, as they may contain oils that contribute to breakouts and acne.
Use body scrubs anywhere on your skin that you’d like to rejuvenate, exfoliate and nourish. The focus of exfoliating commonly forgotten and rough patchy areas, such as knees, heels, elbows, and even lips. Exfoliating your lips will remove dry, dead skin that can leave them looking cracked. Doing a simple lip scrub a few times a week can ensure an even and glowy tone.
With all the leaning, bustling, planking, and bending, elbows and knees tend to be the parts of our skin that need the most smoothing. Frustratingly so, elbows and knees are also typically the hardest parts of the body to smooth out, no matter how much body lotion you apply. An exfoliating body scrub is often the best way to smooth out these annoying dry spots. Using body scrub along your bikini line can help get rid of painful ingrown hairs and smooths razor bumps. Use body scrubs before shaving to avoid a stinging sensation on irritated skin – and as always, be sure to use a moisturizing body lotion after shaving.
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Using an exfoliating body scrub acts as a booster to help maximize the effects of the products you apply to your skin. Anything you apply on your skin after using a body scrub will be absorbed more rapidly, so immediately after using a scrub, you’re going to want to moisturize. The key to making your efforts last is moisturizing. Most beauty experts agree that moisturizing after exfoliation accelerates the effects of moisturizing. Apply a body oil, lotion, or cream daily, even on days you don’t exfoliate. Massaging cream into your feet and hands before bed helps prevent callouses. Who doesn’t love waking up to super soft skin? Since scrubbing can strip your skin of moisture, make sure to restore it every time.
Using a body scrub is not an everyday thing. Even though we use clean and gentle ingredients in our scrubs, exfoliation can be harsh on the skin if overdone. We recommend using a scrub two or three times a week, but ultimately you’re the expert on your own skin’s needs. Just like a good skincare regime, exfoliating reaps the best results when you’re aware of your body’s changing needs and tailor your products accordingly. And those needs may fluctuate day to day or season to season.
If you’ve got drier skin, you may find that you need to exfoliate less often and you’ll probably see the best results by exfoliating two to three times each week with a product that contains moisturizing oils as well as sloughing ingredients. If you know you have sensitive skin, talk to a skin expert first and opt for one weekly exfoliation with gentler ingredients. If you fall somewhere in between, see how your skin handles exfoliation once per week and go from there. If you have blemish-prone, oily skin you might need to exfoliate a little more regularly. If you are new to exfoliation, first test on one part of your body. Keep in mind that everybody responds differently to exfoliation.
Let your skin tell you whether it’s time to exfoliate. If you notice irritation or have any open cuts or sores, even a gentle exfoliant can exacerbate these problems. Wait until your skin has healed before getting your slough on, you don’t want to overly strip the skin of moisture or compromise the skin barrier. See how your skin responds, and you can always build from there.
Written by Kimberly P.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels