Daily Skin Care Routine for Oily Acne Prone Skin
Right now, you may be experiencing some problems with your skin and are perhaps at a loss in terms of what you can do to solve these issues. It is not uncommon for men and women to experience acne at some point in their lives. During this time, it can be frustrating when all you want to do is apply your moisturizer or your makeup over a smooth canvas with no worry. So, let’s begin by defining the term, Acne-Prone Skin, what is it and how do we manage it? Acne-Prone Skin is a term used to describe skin that is prone to breakouts. This can mean that you frequently break out and most products aggravate your skin. Now, while there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of brands out there that swear to have the ultimate cure, no one can know for sure unless they do a thorough examination of the face, or in our case, you’ve completed either our skin type quiz or virtual consultation.
Acne-Prone Skin is more susceptible to breakouts and can be considered hereditary, that is among the few explanations as to why some people are more likely to have acne than others. We know it can be frustrating to sit across from someone your age and see their smooth, supple skin while you continue to experience breakouts, blemishes, and more. It can be devastating and harmful to your self-esteem. But while there is no full-proof cure on how to eliminate your acne, there are ways to manage it to keep your complexion balanced and clearer.
First and foremost, you have to find the right skincare routine, this can sound easy but with so many products on the market, it can feel like immense pressure to try to get it right the first time around. But just because you have acne-prone skin does not mean that your skincare regime needs to be complicated. A facial cleanser, exfoliating scrub, and morning and bedtime moisturizers are an essential part of your skincare routine. Of course, as time goes on and you begin to see results, you can look to incorporate other items such as micro-dosing retinol and toner.
Exfoliating is also necessary as it helps to remove dead skin cells which can clog pores and cause breakouts. But you have to be meticulous during this step because scrubbing too much can dry out your skin and worsen your acne. Stick to exfoliating once a week to start and then gradually increase to two times per week.
Try this: Acne Free Mini Collection
In addition to having acne-prone skin, some may also experience oily skin. The best way to combat having an oily skin type is to focus on your diet in addition to your skincare regime. This means fewer sugars and an increase in plant-based products. While the overall steps in your skincare routine don’t have to be altered as much, there are a few extra steps that are good to take if you have oily skin. Rinse with warm water to open the pores while using your cleanser, before wiping with a clean face cloth. Use a hyaluronic-acid-based serum and then follow up with a light moisturizer that nourishes your skin and helps protect it from producing excess oil.
Lastly, we cannot forget sunscreen! It does not matter the season; the sun can still leave a negative impact on the skin all year round. It can cause wrinkles, lines, pigmentation, thinning of the skin, and cancer. For more on sunscreen and the difference between chemical sunscreen and physical sunscreen check out our article here.
Do you still have questions? Schedule a virtual consultation today and let us get you started on an effective skincare routine now.